Tanmiya Capital Ventures


We are implementing internationally recognized frameworks and leveraging quantifiable metrics for better impact management.

— TCV ESG Associate

TCV integrates ESG strategies as business best practices to achieve sustainable growth and create measurable impact within organizations, communities, and the wider environment.

Integral to decision-making processes, ESG considerations are embedded across the investment life cycle – from screening and due diligence to expansion and exit, as part of TCV’s value-creation proposition.

ESG provides TCV with the foundational infrastructure necessary to turn organizations into scalable, institutional platforms underpinned by a sound governing system to create impact through-and-beyond its investments.

In partnership with the Egyptian American Enterprise Fund, TCV developed a comprehensive Environmental and Social Management System.


Impact Highlights

Jobs Supported
Female Employees
Female Senior Executives
Cities with Access to Safe Water

Edge Gender Certification

Abu Auf First Specialized Retailer in the MENA Region to Obtain the First Level of Edge Certification


Gender Pledge Inauguration

Eleven Leading Private Sector Egyptian Companies, including Abu Auf, Tamweel Investment Holding and Hassan Allam Utilties Pledge Greater Gender Diversity as Part of IFC – AmCham Egypt Initiative to Increase Women’s Participation in the Workforce.

Impact Linkedin Mentions and Posts


Oct 2021

On Monday, AmCham Egypt and IFC – International Finance Corporation launched the #Pledge4GenderDiversity initiative. 11 companies and AmCham Egypt made commitments to create more Gender Diverse workplaces. Very proud of this initiative, the companies, IFC and AmCham leadership and team who made this a reality!

October 25, 2021

On Monday, AmCham Egypt and IFC – International Finance Corporation launched the #Pledge4GenderDiversity initiative. 11 companies and AmCham Egypt made commitments to create more Gender Diverse workplaces. Very proud of this initiative, the companies, IFC and AmCham leadership and team who made this a reality!

Jun 2021

Abu Auf – Feeling inspired this Zurich morning to see our partner IFC – International Finance Corporation begin the process of guiding Egyptian company Abu Auf through their journey towards #EDGECertification.

June 25, 2021

Abu Auf – Feeling inspired this Zurich morning to see our partner IFC – International Finance Corporation begin the process of guiding Egyptian company Abu Auf through their journey towards #EDGECertification.